3 Lessons Learned of Creating Opportunity

Lead with empathy, Bet on yourself

Kanaar R. Bell
2 min readJun 28, 2020
Photo by Cristian Palmer on Unsplash.

Adaptability is one of the most essential skills required by the workforce in the Digital Age. But how is it learned, developed, and applied? This is a skill we often learn in life before any institutional arena and it’s time for that form of intelligence to have the same merit in the workplace as it does in matters of home and family.

It’s without a doubt that the hurdles of 2020 thus far made us all sit up in our seats, unsure of what to expect next. We’re now living in a world unknown. So, as the adage goes…

“It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one more responsive to change.”

– Charles Darwin

Below are three lessons I learned during this period that has further solidified the foundation of my ability to adapt, using the power of a sound mind.

  1. So within, is so without — whatever you cultivate internally is what you will flow towards externally. Looking for more leadership opportunities? Start with self-leadership first. Seeking a change in work? Determine what will make you feel fulfilled and guidance will rise in clarity. There is no way to attain goals and desires without creating the vision, plans, and habits beforehand.
  2. Lead with empathy — just as courage requires vulnerability, leadership requires empathy. It is often the softer, more subtle qualities that fuel the social connection and impact we want to impart on our peers. Learning to embrace the “shadow sides” of oneself expands the mind and allows for the acceptance of the differences in others. As a result, people will resonate with you more, your community will expand and bring you into new spaces that benefit your wellbeing. Don’t believe what they told you–it’s cool to be soft, sometimes.
  3. Bet on yourself — yessss, this is the one!!! Positive change and blessings can’t come to you if you won’t take the chance to discover/create them. If we won’t challenge ourselves in review and integrate NEW ways of being, we can’t expect NEWNESS (opportunities, feelings, habits, friends, etc.) to knock on our door. You’ve learned your lessons well and can now utilize the wisdom to transition to the next stage of your life. Leap.

